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Love it!

For a change I'll write a post in English. Why not as I speak English 99% of my waking time. :)

For about a week we've had many cloudy, a bit chilly and rainy days. It has almost felt like a typical Swedish summer. :) And I've loved it!
It has smelled so good and the air has been soft and moist. We've had several thunderstorms and a couple of times it even hailed.
Now, the sun and warmer weather has returned but this past week has been a wonderful help for the drought.

This weekend is longer than usual as we have a holiday, Memorial Day, on Monday. Wikipedia says: "Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces." It's a national holiday that is celebrated all over the US. I don't have any specific plans but will meet with a former veteran on Monday. My friend R went to Vietnam in the 60s and fought for the US and survived that war. There are about 22 million veterans in the US today and many of them have a tough time readjustment from the war experiences they've had.

I know you've had quite a bit of rain in Sweden but for us in California it is a "rarity" almost these days so here are some pictures from last week.

You could almost feel how much the flowers and plants enjoyed this rain. The sprinklers at school were on several times though even when it was raining which made no sense at all.

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